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Alternative Medical

Alternative Medical

The innovative Alternative Medical products combine potent active ingredients in cosmetics aimed at targeting specific problems. The products are based on the latest formulas and active ingredients, which set themselves apart from normal skin care. High-dosed products for a visible improvement of the complexion can provide relief and be combined as and when required. In addition to visual skin rejuvenation, the Alternative Medical product series is primarily aimed at improving the quality of the skin structure with long-lasting, noticeable results.

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Our Packaging

Our packaging are made from corrugated cardboard. Each box includes three layers of paperboard that are called a single fluting. This gives your mailer boxes extra security and cushioning inside. Built-in dust flaps prevent products from dust and scratches. These flaps also provide extra closure security.

  • 100% Recyclable Materials
  • FSC Certified Materials
  • 100% Bio Degradable Materials
  • Made in Europe

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